Submit! We Want It! Send it! Send it NOW! Send yer pieces to! Do it today! Send what, you ask? Short prose (stories and nonacademic essays), Poetry, Photojournalism/-essay, Journalism and monthly columns that go beyond or beneath the pabulum you're expected to enjoy, Comix, and Fine art that would reproduce well on newsprint. We'd like you to try to send stuff that is somehow resonant with what we have already published, but frankly, sometimes you know better than we do what we want. We do endeavor to be apolitical bear that in mind. Guidelines and Administrivia: Send your pieces as "Word" attachments to your e-mail. Or paste them into the body of your note, that's also A-OK. When you submit, you agree to let us publish your stuff if we so choose (no backing out, now), unless you inform us you've sent it somewhere else simultaneously. You also assert that the work is your own and that you own all copyrights. Do not send original artwork of any kind! Your submissions will not be returned. Lo-res images may be attached to e-mail submissions and/or directions to the art on your web site. Paper submissions may be sent to: The Blotter Magazine, PO Box 2153, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (we really, really would rather get electronic submissions). Pictures can be scanned or photographed, no prob. Include a brief cover letter and your name, address, phone number, e-mail address, &c. Logically, we need a return SASE or e-mail address before you will get a response. |